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Planning Board Minutes 12/03/2015
December 3, 2015
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Member) Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member)
 Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)   Bob Holmes (Alternate)                                      
Steve MacDonald (Member)   Janet McEwen (Member)   
Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)   Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)    
Members Absent:  Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair), Mike Genest (Ex-officio)   
Public attendance: Ron Haggett
7:00PM Public Hearing: To hear comments on draft Zoning Amendments for the March 2016 ballot
Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7 PM and explained the procedure for a public hearing.
Alternative Bob Holmes was asked to sit for Jesse Lazar

The Public Notice was read.

Chair Condon opened the Public Hearing to hear comments on the Zoning Amendments for the March 2016 ballot (Amendments attached to Minutes). Chair Condon asked if any of the Public Attendees were present to give comment.
There was none.  Chair Condon closed the Public Hearing.

Mr. Haggett, as representative of the Zoning Board, stated that he was pleased by the proposed amendment to revise Article XIV-B.

Mr. Holmes moved to continue with discussion of the amendments Ms. Cahoon Seconded.

The proposed fourth amendment was discussed. Mr. MacDonald suggested that this amendment should include the entire business district (along Route 202) and should not be a proposed amendment at this time, but should be part of the upcoming Community Profile Project. This would give the community a chance to voice their opinion on the growth of the Highway District.

Mr. Frosch moved to review each amendment separately. Mr. MacDonald seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Ms. Cahoon yes, Chair Condon yes, Mr. Frosch yes, Mr. Holmes no Mr. MacDonald yes,   Ms. McEwen yes   

Motion: Mr. MacDonald motioned to accept Proposed Amendment #1, Mr. Holmes Seconded.
Discussion ensued.
Roll Call Vote: Ms. Cahoon yes, Chair Condon yes, Mr. Frosch no, Mr. Holmes yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. McEwen yes   

Motion: Ms. Cahoon moved to accept Proposed Amendment #2, Mr. Holmes seconded.
Discussion on what type of regulations this amendment could specify.

Roll Call Vote: Ms. Cahoon yes, Chair Condon yes, Mr. Frosch yes, Mr. Holmes yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. McEwen yes   

Motion: Ms. Cahoon moved to accept Proposed Amendment #3, Mr. Frosch seconded.
Discussion ensued.
Roll Call Vote: Ms. Cahoon yes, Chair Condon yes, Mr. Frosch yes, Mr. Holmes yes, Mr. MacDonald yes, Ms. McEwen yes   

Proposed Amendment #4
Ms. Voelcker asked if a map of the proposed would be available for the public to see on Election Day .

Ms. Giffin stepped down as Planning Department Assistant to express her concern that as an abutter of the properties in the proposed amendment #4 she had not received any sort of notice of the proposed changes. Ms. Giffin explained she had been on vacation when the notices were sent out.

The Planning Board agreed that it would need another Public Meeting to allow notices to be sent out to the abutters of properties being recommended for the expansion of the Highway Business District.

Motion: Ms. Cahoon moved to table the Proposed Amendment #4 until January 7, 2016, Mr. Frosch seconded.
Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed.

Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to accept Proposed Amendment #5, Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed.

Business Meeting:

Approve November 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to approve the meeting minutes of November 17, Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Other Business:

The upcoming Community Profile was discussed. The Selectmen have approved the money from the Planning Budget for the UNH Cooperative Extension. The Limrik article has produced several interested candidates for the Steering Community. Ms. McEwen presented a list of people she thought would make good members or leaders of the committees.

Mr. Frosch moved to adjourn, Ms. Cahoon seconded.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin
Planning Department Assistant

P.O. BOX 517


Pursuant to RSA 675:3 and 675:7, Notice is hereby given that the Antrim Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, December 3, 2015 at its regular meeting beginning at 7:00 PM at the Antrim Town Hall to present the following proposed changes to the Land Use Regulations:

1.  Proposed Amendment #1:  To revise Article XIV-B of the Zoning Ordinance by:
  • replacing the requirement for ground-mounted PWSFs to receive a special exception from the ZBA with a conditional use permit from the Planning Board; and
  • making other overall formatting and clarifying changes throughout the document.
The purpose of this amendment is to make the application process more efficient and more effective by investing the Planning Board with the ability to review all aspects of an application and address planning issues early in the process.

2.      Proposed Amendment #2.  To add a new paragraph to Article XIV of the Zoning Ordinance for the   regulation of light pollution.  The purpose of this amendment is to provide the Town with the ability to ensure that Antrim’s rural character – as expressed in part through dark skies, are protected and the Planning Board has the ability during Site Plan Review to approve lighting designs that are in keeping with Antrim’s character.

3.      Proposed Amendment #3.  Amend Article XIV of the Zoning Ordinance, Paragraph H, 3 by clarifying that this provision’s height exemption for antennas does not apply to Personal Wireless Service Facilities.

4.      Proposed Amendment #4.  To amend the boundaries of the Antrim Zoning Map to expand the Highway Business District as follows:
  • to change the portions of Parcel #232-35 & 35.1 that are in the Rural District to the Highway Business District;
  • to change Parcels #232-31 & 32 from Rural to Highway Business District; and
  • to change Parcels #232-63 & 64 from Residential to Highway Business District.
5.      Proposed Amendment #5:  To amend Section XV of the Excavation Regulations to simplify the process for re-issuing Excavation Permits and for on-going monitoring of active excavation sites. (This amendment will  not be a ballot item.)

Proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance will be ballot items to be voted on in March 2015.   A full copy of the proposed changes are available for review at Town Hall offices during business hours, Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.